Well here we go again. A new month, a new plan. It seems every month this space has been used to describe a new education plan that has changed from the previous month. On Tuesday, Nov 24, 2020, all Hanover Schools were ordered to move into Critical (Red) Level of the #MBRestart Pandemic Response System.  This meant that all students were moved to teacher-led remote learning.

This version of remote learning is not going to be like it was in the Spring. Generally speaking, we are providing synchronous learning (live) as much as possible. For the most part, we are running classes as timetabled. This will be a normal school day with students attending class from home. Teachers are at school running their classes via the Google Suite. Teachers are working hard to create learning experiences that are similar to what they were doing in the class. They are having class discussions, teaching off the whiteboard, sharing videos and PowerPoint presentations and posting assignments for students to complete to submit. But there are technical glitches to work through and modifications to learning activities to make in this new scenario.

This new order will create some challenges for all involved. For our parents we know that there will be the added stress in playing a larger role in your child’s education. We understand that it will be difficult for all students to be in their classes every time whether it be connectivity issues or families having to schedule who can be online and when, but  we will try to accommodate as best as possible for these students.

Despite this time of change, challenges and uncertainty, we continue to remind ourselves to see the positives and the places of joy as much as we see the challenges.  The first week of teacher-led remote learning has reasonably gone well. Students have been upbeat and engaged. Teachers become excited when they learn a new feature in the Google Suite or when they have developed a new skill to teach remotely. Teachers are finding the joy of interacting with their students every day. They are excited when they see their students turn in an assignment that they are proud of and teachers celebrate with their students when they learn something new.

At this time has been no indication how long we will be operating in the Critical (Red) Level. We promise to provide patience and grace as all families will have new pressures on them. And once again we ask for patience and grace as we learn to provide meaningful learning in another new way. Together we will make this work.

You may have heard that there have been discussions at the provincial level of possibility extending the Christmas Break. At the time of this writing, there has been no details shared with us about that. Please stay tuned to official provincial and divisional announcements if such a change will occur. Right now, the Christmas break is scheduled from December 19, 2020 to January 3, 2021.

Since this is the last edition of The Landmark Voice, I want to express my thanks to the community of Landmark for all the support they continue to give the staff at our school. Your words of encouragement and gestures of kindness is overwhelming and appreciated. All of us are lucky to work in this great community. From all of us here at Landmark Collegiate, we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a relaxing and safe holiday season.

in: General