March Newsletter

Principal’s Message: I wish parents could experience the wonder of learning at Landmark Collegiate! I don’t want to say it’s perfect, but I do want to say how very impressed I am with the way students engage in the learning that teachers have prepared for them. I have said it a few times before – this school is a gem! Standards of learning and behaviour are high, and students are working hard to live up, or learn up, to those… Read More

in: General

February Newsletter

Principal’s Message Some highlights from the past month are: Provincial exams for Grade 12 Math and ELA courses, and the end of semester exams for Grade 9 – 12 students. Our students were well prepared, and most had very good results! Congratulations to students and staff! On February 4, a group of students from our Life Works 20S class made a presentation to the Hanover School Division board of trustees. They did an awesome job of telling about the lunch… Read More

in: General

January Newsletter

PRINCIPAL’s MESSAGE What a wonderful December we had at Landmark Collegiate. Some highlights were the Varsity Boys Basketball team showed some early season promise with a well-earned third place finish at their first tournament of the year. Also in December was a spirited spirit week with most of our students participating in some way. Thanks to our Yearbook team for organizing this! The Jazz band played at the Clearspring Mall, some students went skating, and our Grade 11 and 12… Read More

in: General