Principal’s Message:
I wish parents could experience the wonder of learning at Landmark Collegiate! I don’t want to say it’s perfect, but I do want to say how very impressed I am with the way students engage in the learning that teachers have prepared for them. I have said it a few times before – this school is a gem! Standards of learning and behaviour are high, and students are working hard to live up, or learn up, to those standards. At breaks, students are usually engaged in conversations or fun that is healthy and appropriate. We who work at the school are privileged to carry the responsibility of planning and helping student learning in this place!
We started semester 2 at the beginning of February, which meant most high school students began new courses. Our Grade 12 students enjoyed a great day at Falcon Ridge Ski Resort, our basketball teams played in some wonderfully competitive games, and badminton has begun. And you’ll notice below that our students have been hard at work preparing to present the drama, Mystery at Shady Acres. We hope you’ll come to enjoy it!
One of our goals is to prepare students for adult life. This is a nearing reality for our Grade 11 and 12 students. In February, some of our Grade 11 and 12 students visited post-secondary schools in Winnipeg to become familiar with some of the places and programs available to them if they are choosing post-secondary education. Some students will choose to enter the workforce directly, some will choose apprenticeship, and some will choose formal education. For all our students, our hope is that they will continue to be great learners, and they will succeed in their life journeys.
And finally, our staff was pleased to participate with other HSD teachers in two days of Treaty Education. Our learning focused on understanding how treaties came to be, how they have been honoured, and parts of the treaties that have not been honoured. Canada is on a path of reconciliation based on the Truth and Reconciliation report of 2015, and Treaty Learning is one small part of that reconciliation.
I am pleased to let you know that Hanover School Division has appointed Vanessa David as the principal for Landmark Collegiate, beginning in September of 2025. I have known Ms. David for a few years, and am confident that she will be a wonderful principal for this school.
Staffing News
We are in hiring season, and are happy to announce the following teachers will be at LC next year:
Gr. 7/8 Amanda Bilevicius – transferring from Woodlawn School
High School Humanities – John Mullin continuing
High School Humanities – Stephanie Reimer continuing
Phys Ed – Lucas Enns continuing
Parent Teacher – Save the date: March 25 4:00-6:30
Student Portal
Similar to Parent Portal, grade 9-12 students have a student portal that they can use to VIEW their timetable, attendance, grad progress, account information and report cards. They have viewing access, but are unable to make changes to any information. The link can be found on the homepage of our website.
As we wrap up another basketball season we want to express appreciation to our coaches. Thank you for volunteering your time and effort. Our athletes are able to have these experiences because of you!
Next up in our athletics department is badminton! If you are interested in coaching or helping out, please contact the school.
Band Our students performed at the Optimist Festival last week. All of our bands performed very well and received high marks and many compliments from adjudicators. Additionally, our Grade 8 band received an invitation to perform at nationals in Toronto. While we can’t attend, the recognition is appreciated.
Lost and Found
Please remind your child to check the lost and found for any missing items. Items are in the front entrance.
Report Cards
For grade 7/8 students, term 2 ends on March 6. Currently, teachers are assessing and writing comments to report on your child’s progress. Please check in with your child to see if they have any outstanding assignments. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to check in with teachers. Report cards will be released on Parent Portal on Friday, March 14.
Interim Reports (Gr 9-12)
As we approach the 6 week mark in the semester, we would like to update you on your child’s progress in each of their courses with an interim report. The reports will be available in the Parent Portal on Friday, March 14 at 4:00PM. This early feedback is intended to help identify any areas that may need attention before the first formal report card is issued.
Activity Day
On Friday, March 28, our school will have an Activity Day. A variety of activities will be available for students to choose from (grades 9-12) and a special event is being planned for our grade 7/8 students. We’ll introduce our Activity Day with an assembly for students on March 10, followed by a more detailed letter for families. We’re looking forward to a great day together before spring break!
Upcoming Dates
Fri, Mar 7- No School
Fri, Mar 14 – Gr 7/8 Report Cards and Gr 9-12 Interim Reports Issued
Tue, Mar 25 – Grade 10-12 Choir at Steinbach Music Festival
Mon, Mar 31 – Fri Apr 4 – Spring Break
Apr 14 – PD/Admin Day – No classes
Apr 14 – GRAD picture retakes
Apr 18 – Good Friday – no school
Apr 22 – Grade 7’s at Band Festival
Drama Landmark Collegiate students are working hard to prepare for Mystery at Shady Acres! Performances will be on March 20th & 21st at 7pm and tickets will be going on sale on March 4th! Ticket prices: $10/adult and $6/child under 12. We hope to see you there!
in: General