Thanks to all who supported our school fundraiser by purchasing or selling chocolates, the money raised will go to offset the costs for student extra-curricular activities such as sport costs, student council events, musical costs, field trips, grad costs, and special presentations. Thanks to all who purchased Show and Save books from the PTA. The money donated from the PTA will go towards further developing the outdoor recreational area. November is the first reporting period. Grade 7 – 12 reports… Read More
Trees are being cut down at a crazy rate of 15 billion per year! Landmark Collegiate will be participating in a school wide paperless day on November 7. There will be fundraiser on Paperless Day to raise money for planting trees in our school yard. For $2 you can be entered into a prize draw. Some of the items in the prize draw are candy, chips and a Tim Hortons gift card.
The year got off to another positive start. There is so much energy that students bring to school in the month of September, it really feels great. At Landmark Collegiate we want to develop important life and career skills to help our students be successful after graduation. On our first day of school we focused on exploring these skills with our students to help develop a better understanding of them. The activities were intended to highlight the learning that comes… Read More