Welcome Back. I hope everyone had a great break and now we head into the final three months of the school year. We are continuing to add more opportunities for students to engage in at the school.
- We are now able to play instruments and sing in band and choir classes. There are a number of safety protocols that we need to implement, but we are happy that we can start making music again.
- Varsity Volleyball and Basketball practices are running after school (and Thursday, Friday morning) from April 5 to May 21. This will be for Gr 9-11 students who are planning to play on a varsity team next year as well any grade 12’s who still want to practice. Schedule is on the website. (Students need to change before coming to school and must wear masks.) https://lc.hsd.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2021/03/SPRING-PRACTICE-SCHEDULE.pdf
- Ms Friesen is looking to start some Jazz Band and Vocal Jazz as an after school club for anyone who would like to play. This is not for credit but just for fun. Schedule to be determined.
- Mr. Groenendijk is running a math club on Wednesdays after school for grade 7 and 8 students. There is a national math competition in May that the students will have the opportunity to participate in if they would like.
- The LC Talent Show is back. All entries will need to follow COVID-19 protocols and be pre-recorded and submitted by May 14. There are 8 categories for students to enter including; Art, Short Film, Music Group, Music Solo, Sports Footage, Dance, and 30 second talent. The entries will be viewed in the afternoon of Friday, May 28.
- Hot lunches continue on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Orders need to be placed online (from our website) by 10:00 am. https://lc.hsd.ca/students/canteen/ .
PTA is Running a Fundraiser to support both Landmark Elementary and Landmark Collegiate. They are selling Stoney Brook Coffee and Spenst Bros. Pizza. Orders need to be handed in by Wednesday, April 7, 2021. All money raised for the Collegiate will be going towards a new digital sign which we are planning to install later this Spring.
New Digital Sign. This Spring, we would like to install a new Digital Sign by the highway on the west side of the school. The new sign will enhance our ability to communicate with the community as to the events at our school. Further, as Landmark continues to grow, the installation of a digital sign furthers our appeal of growth and enhances a modern look. The cost is approximately $40 000. We were unable to do fundraising this year and so if anyone would like to make a donation to this project, that would be greatly appreciated. Tax receipts will be provided. Cheques must be made payable to Hanover School Division, Note Landmark Collegiate Digital Sign. Please call Mr. Sawatzky at the school to discuss how you can help.
Attendance for SY Courses. We are required to record the attendance of students who are scheduled to be at school. If a student is not at school due to illness, but attends class online, that is great. However, we still need to record when the students are absent from school. Automated phone calls are made when parents have not called the school to let us know that their child will not be physically at school on the day they are required to be at school.
Grade 9 – 12 Report Cards will be posted on the parent portal at 10:00 am on Friday, April 23.
Parent Teacher Interviews for all grades will be on April 29 from 4:10 – 7:30. These likely will be by either Zoom or phone calls as they were in the Fall. More information will be provided in the coming weeks
Grad updates. Congratulations to Shayna Giesbrecht who has been selected by the grads and staff to be this year’s Valedictorian. Ms. Nicolle will be the guest speaker and Kate Giesbrecht will provide the reply to the speaker. Ms. Friesen is hoping to rehearse this month with interested grads on a song that they can sing at grad. It’s still too early to know what kind of a grad we will be able to have but we continue to make plans for various situations.
Covid Updates. As noted in last month’s superintendent correspondence, Public Health has provided updated guidance on close contacts and self-isolation requirements, and COVID-19 variants of concern. Please see the link to the bulletin (https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/covid/docs/bulletin8mar1.pdf).
To assist parents and caregivers in understanding the new protocols, HSD has created a one-page chart When Can Students Attend School?
Check out the HSD Career Page -The Hanover School Division (HSD) hub for researching and learning about planning for life, career, and development. https://sites.google.com/hsd.ca/careerandlife/
See attached April newsletter from Southern Health Southern Health Newsletter – Lunch Swaps
April 14 is International Day of Pink. We are encouraging everyone to wear pink as a sign that they are committed to being kind towards one another.
Important Dates in April
April 7 PTA Fundraiser Forms Due
April 14 International Day of Pink
April 16 No School – PD / Admin Day
April 23 Grade 9 – 12 Report Cards Posted
April 29 Parent Teacher Meetings
in: General